Steph Burch

I have included Steph Burch in my research as she is an equine portraiture photographer. She does also shoot some events however I haven't included these in my research as I wanted to focus on just her portraiture work.

Steph Burch is a young freelance equine photographer based in the gloucester/Wiltshire area, she shoots on a Nikon D90 with various lenses, 18-105mm, 70-300VR and 50 1.8d and edits on Photoshop CS5.1 and Picasa.

She always produces high quality portraiture images, she uses location lighting to create a spotlight on the horse and rider and create a black background, she also uses location lighting to enhance the surroundings in which the images have been taken. The use of colour and black and white images in her work is a strong attribute of her work, it creates a variety in her work which people like to see, some of her images work best in black and white where as some work so much better in colour because of all the details and colour in the location of the images, this is what I am hoping to create with my work as i feel some of the images I produce will work best in black and white instead of colour.

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